Panoramic view of Augsburg with striking church and historic buildings, ideal for those interested in the city and architecture.

Besucht man zum ersten Mal einen Kurort, staunt man nicht schlecht, wenn man aufgefordert wird, eine Kurtaxe zu bezahlen. Seit vielen Jahren dürfen Gemeinden und Kurorte diese Ortstaxen erheben. Alles was Sie dazu wissen müssen, erklärt Ihnen unser Boutique Hotel Atrium München.

What is a tourist tax?

If you are on vacation in a municipality, a visitor's tax (local tax) must be paid for each day of your stay. This is a mandatory fee that is levied especially at spas, resorts and seaside resorts. In large cities, it is known as the culture tax or city tax and therefore also applies if, for example, you are staying in a Book a hotel in Munich.

The visitor's tax in Bavaria may only be levied by state-recognized health resorts and resorts. Exceptions apply in other federal states such as Saxony, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg.

How is the visitor's tax calculated in Bavaria?

The fee is calculated based on the number of days of stay, but stops after 42 calendar days. The visitor's tax in Bavaria averages 2 euros per day. Those who do not pay face fines.

What is the intended use?

The revenue from the local tax is used in part for the following services:

  • Free use of trains and buses
  • Keeping beaches and paths clean
  • Childcare services
  • Cultural events

Depending on the resort, you will receive a so-called spa card after paying the visitor's tax, which entitles you to use free offers. Be sure to carry a photo ID with the spa card, as this is often required to take advantage of the offers.

When do you pay the visitor's tax in Bavaria?

As a rule, you pay the tourist tax for the entire duration of your trip on the day of arrival, for example before you get to your Hotel room Munich are allowed to enter. You can also pay the visitor's tax on the day of departure by arrangement.

Does the tourist tax have to be stated in the hotel travel price?

The tourist tax does not have to be included in the travel price. However, many hotels indicate this in the booking documents or point it out. However, they are not obliged to do so. If no tourist tax is stated, you should still expect to have to pay it.

Can the tourist tax be waived or reduced?

Payment of the visitor's tax is mandatory under the Municipal Tax Act (KAG).
Those who do not pay must reckon with heavy fines. Reductions and partial exemptions generally apply to:

  • People with severe disabilities
  • Social security institutions
  • Associations of independent welfare organizations
  • Pupils, students and trainees
  • Basic military service and civilian service
  • Mothers and fathers in the child-raising year

Proof must of course be provided for all these cases. The individual municipalities will tell you how high the reductions are and when the local tax is even waived completely.

Photo © Manuel Schönfeld -
