One Maß - FAQ and interesting facts about the popular measure

A glass of beer with a thick head of foam on a wooden table in front of blurred lights in the background, ideal for drinks articles.

In the following article, our Hotel Oktoberfest has compiled some interesting facts about the famous Maß and answers the most frequently asked questions, e.g. exactly how much volume a Maß contains and how it is actually spelled correctly.

What is a Maß?

A Maß is a unit of measurement for liquids, originally comprising 1.069 liters. Over time, the volume covered by a Maß has evolved and today it corresponds exactly to one liter.

A Maß, a mass or a mas?

How exactly is the infamous Maß spelled? There is no standardized spelling, the "Maß" is just as correct as the "Mass", the spelling varies depending on the area and federal state. The Schenk unit of measurement is generally not spelled "Mas".

And how do you pronounce a Maß correctly? The Maß is pronounced with a short a and a sharp s, just like the "Fass", but with only one M instead of the F at the beginning. Anyone who orders a "Maaaß" at the Oktoberfest immediately outs themselves as a tourist.

The unit of measurement "Maß" can be traced back to the Middle High German word "diu (= die) maze". This was actually pronounced with a long a back then. Today, however, this is no longer the case.

How much does a Maß weigh?

One liter of beer corresponds to approximately one kilogram and an empty beer mug weighs about 1300 grams. A full pint of beer therefore weighs 2300 grams.

Oktoberfest waitress for fitness

Waitresses in the Oktoberfest tents can easily carry 18 beer mugs around at once. That's the equivalent of 41.4 kilograms.

Even if we're not fans of clichés, we have to admit that men can manage a lot more beer mugs. One gentleman once lugged a whole 27 beer mugs! That corresponds to a weight of 62.1 kilograms.

The largest beer mug in the world

The currently largest beer mug in the world can be found in the Bavarian town of Oberviehtach. This world record has stood since 2002. It is no wonder that the largest beer stein is located in Bavaria, as Bavaria and beer have always belonged together.

Numerous volunteers from the Eigelsberg village community worked on the jug from 2001 to 2002 as part of a major community campaign. A total of 700 working hours were invested in it. The oversized beer mug is made of wood and is painted with beautiful and typical Bavarian motifs. It is over 3.80 meters high, has a diameter of 2 meters and has a capacity of 4,718 liters. The jug was filled for the first time on August 11, 2002. Its entry in the Guinness Book of Records as the "Largest beer mug in the world" makes the whole thing perfect. You simply have to see it in the original and marvel at it.

A Maß of beer costs....

Prices rise every year. At the moment (as of October 2018), a beer costs between 10 and 15 euros, depending on the marquee. However, you shouldn't be put off by the cost - after all, Oktoberfest is only once a year and the atmosphere, including legendary bands, is free.

Beer mug - Production of the Oktoberfest mug

While the beer mugs at the festival itself are made of glass, collector's mugs can be taken home from the Oktoberfest. This beer stein has remained unchanged in its simple form for more than 100 years. It is traditionally made with great care and attention to detail. Only the body is now produced by machines. Everything else, such as the beautiful paintings and decorations, are still made by hand.

How many per mille do you have when you've drunk a pint?

Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question. Factors such as gender, weight, height, empty or full stomach all play a role here. Example: If a man weighing 80 kilos drinks a pint of light beer within an hour, he most probably has 0.81 per mille in his blood. If a lady weighing 60 kilos drinks a liter of beer within half an hour, she may already have 1.27 per mille in her blood. And don't forget: strong beer is served at the Oktoberfest, which is traditionally brewed stronger and therefore has a higher blood alcohol content!
